November. I breathe a sigh of joy, another of relaxation, and another which is more like a gasp for the warmth of summer.
Ghost Tours are officially winding down. I have only one scheduled for November (at my request... no more cold for me than necessary. And I should really be using any nice days in the studio while I can before the weather and I get miserable at each other.)
Riding my bike has been fantastic. This past week as been sort of like a race to the finish line. Halloween, of course. I do SO love having a deadline. I never do anything without a deadline. Today I made a list of all the things I need to do soon, and gave them each a deadline. A bunch of them are getting done this week. Hooray deadlines!

I knew things were winding down when I was able to have coffee with Celia at the Rocket Cat last week. It was a beautiful day. Maybe the last beautiful day for months. I loved it, and mourned it at the same time, as I do with so many things.

Dave joined us for a bit, and introduced us to Slim, who usually doesn't have soot on her nose.

Then, this magical flower burst into a fairy and we followed it to the moon.

We came back though, because Celia forgot her water, and I had to work on my Halloween costume.

Where were my turnips?!

Prepping in the studio.

Garvin and Eli and me waiting for the bus (picked us up at a top secret location, to bring us to an even more top secret location for the epic
PEX party!)

(Keeping my eyes real wide gives illusion of being more cartoonie. You see it, right?)

Garvin volunteered for PEX so got to hang some of his work in the first floor gallery space!

And if that's not enough pictures for you, here's some more!
And we dressed up at work on Sunday.

Megan (dead drummer boy), Me, Marie (Super Umlaut Girl!), and Sandy (Sonic the Hedgehog)
I sold one of my hair paintings that day: I have large ones for $55 and small ones for $40. I sold a $55 one, and I get 65% of that in January. Very cool, I gotta keep em coming though!
I even have a commission! This lovely couple is driving up from Baltimore on Friday so I can take the pictures. Pretty exciting!
Friday is First Friday, and my first First Friday in MONTHS. Very excited! I've been really happy being social lately. I want more and more and more of it.
Every winter for as long as I can remember, I think of it as a time for renewal. I imagine a part of myself dying, the part of myself that has grown too warm, or too attached to things, people, places. The winter cools me down, and I grow numb to those things, but I know that they will return to me again. The winter is something I really need, I just wish it weren't so long.
The jade is all dead. It tricked me! It looked so thirsty, so I watered it just a little bit, and just a little bit, and just a little bit. DEAD. But some buds survived, and I'm nursing them (or leaving the fuck alone) back to health, and they are looking quite lovely.