Just Kidding.
Except that now all of a sudden I have a list of all the things I need, that I haven't needed until now, when the money keeps rolling in!
I had my first day working for the Census today, and the hardest thing should really be getting in 20 hours of work every week, and not blowing through all the work assigned to me faster than the speed of light.
I was supposed to have finished my ghost tour training last week, but I think all the other things I've been doing got together with my cold feet and I canceled my appointment. Rescheduled for tomorrow, and I will vanquish this final story and give two tours this weekend!
3 jobs, and a studio to use! I've started a doll, and I have an idea for a puppet show that will probably never come to fruition, but lets just say Leslie and her apartment and her friends are all sorts of inspiring!
My friends are really the best. And who knew they felt the same about me?! Aisha spent the night two weekends ago, the first night I was back from Baltimore. Apparently all this blogging about being productive, and mostly about growing a green thumb has been an inspiration to her! What an honor! I've just been so busy to post, but it was her birthday yesterday, so I figured I should get my shit in order. Happy birthday Aisha!

There are so many plants in my apartment now!

It is a jungle in here!

Ian left a bunch of plants that Lizzie and M.E. simply don't need in their lives right now. Of course, Hans doesn't need this palm in his mouth, but he insists. It is his current get-spray-bottled-to-the-face act of rebellion.

I bought these plates from that oh so charming place called Urban Outfitters. On sale!
Then there was the night Tsuyoshi called a full staff meeting last week so that we could clean out the storage space in the ceiling. It was epic.




The Gallery

Garvin again. We all felt like that. But it was good.
And then Tsuyoshi took us all out for drinks. Not everyone, but a many (courtesy of Eli):









This post is getting awfully long. Maybe I should stop doing so much, and stop having photographs to show. Hah, but then I don't post at all!
Last Friday was the Weekly Revue, my second time attending, mostly on Leslie's behalf as she was an act, wearing her naked man suit answering questions about a mouth-puppets video I had seen in December at the Puppet Uprisings show. Lots of good people were there from Eastern State, Basho, everywhere. Some good acts too!


Hans was so sad when I went to Celia's after work on Sunday: I just had to watch the series finale of Lost on a real live television. It was great!

And then today I bought some bowls at Circle Thrift (I think I have somehow lost one of my ceramic cappuccino mugs, which are so universally utilitarian!) And if I haven't posted them yet, in the back, yes, those are the cocks that Kayla bought me. She is convinced that I should decorate my kitchen with cocks. Tons of 'em. I think two is good. For now.