So, while I was enjoying Puppet Uprisings on Saturday, Erika and Jeremy went to Harrisburg to launch the "spaceship" that Jeremy has been working on for a few months. When I first heard about it, I thought it was just a dream of his, an awesome idea that would never come to exist. But, alas, the documented proof, that I am really impressed by and wanted to share with you:
Many, many more photographs can be found at this website, but he's threatening to downsize his image library soon!
Goodness gracious, Puppet Uprisings last night was a lot of fun! It was two groups, Beth Nixon and The Cat Fish. The Cat Fish had an awesome rather post apocalyptic performance on a makeshift boat, but it was too dark to really photograph. And Beth's I was simply too captivated to do anything but watch, but luckily someone else was smarter than me (at a previous performance), and so this is the first third of her Antipodal Goatlegs, and if you're curious the folks assisting her are Morgan Andrews and Leslie Rogers, some other awesome puppeteers I know!
I mean, there weren't tons of puppets per say, but what a fun show!
Lots of fun people were there: Basho people, Berks Warehouse people, Baltimore people. Tons of fun. And it was outside with the fireflies and the mosquitoes which is a great way to spend a Saturday night.
Another pretty great thing, is really just Good. Andrew introduced me to Good a few weeks ago, and I really really like it. Its news but its all interesting, relevant, and all of the articles are really short and not at all overwhelming. Basically, its news for the instant gratification hip college age demographic, and I like it!
Through them I even learned about this new website that connects you to volunteer opportunities: Catchafire. I know I have had some serious difficulty trying to volunteer for different groups, that either it takes so long that by the time it comes through I'm already in a different state, or they never get back to you, or you end up not finding any organization that you feel comfortable working with (I mean really, imagine me sawing wood). So, for those of you seeking out some volunteer opportunities this summer, either to give back to the community, meet new people, or just do something productive with your endless summer days of free time, try Catchafire, and I'd love to hear how it goes!
The Air Conditioner has been in use, and Hans is thrilled! Honestly, I have to admit, its nice. But, I don't have it too cold in here either.
We have to keep it warm enough for the avocado! Not to mention the palm tree! If you can spot the new growths, good for you!
Really not too much to report, CSA day was yesterday, with lots of delicious stuff. I finally used the cucumbers from last week when I made the avocado&cucumber soup last night, and it is delicious! Arugula&parm cheese pasta for lunch for the next few days and kale and we each got one peach. And its blueberry season... there aren't enough blueberries in the whole world for me. So, I think I'll buy some from Trader Joes and enjoy them all week long! Summertime!
And just a few hours later, reading The Bell Jar, got distracted and decided to finally put the avocado in soil. And then got so mad at the Dill for growing into a monster that I cut his flowers off. Well, its ok, because apparently they lose a lot of flavor once they flower! So, I've found some recipes for dill flower butter and of course pickling recipes, but I'd have to buy butter or cucumbers. But they're so beautiful! Good thing I have work tomorrow, meaning grocery shopping! Followed by Puppet Uprisings at Emerald Street Farm!
Friday I saw Vaclav Havel's first play in 20 years "Leaving". It was really good, but I think I enjoy it more now than I did while in the theatre. I definitely recommend it, and don't get fidgety: its worth sitting through.
Saturday and Monday were gatherings at Erika and Becky's houses respectively. Both were a really good time. Sunday M.E. got locked out of her apartment so we got to hang out for the first time really. I like my new neighbors very much.
I indulged myself yesterday by purchasing two cookbooks that I really don't need but wanted! I mean really, what the hell am I supposed to do with 18 herbs constantly growing outside my window?! The Herbal Kitchen by Jerry Traunfeld, and Melissa's Everyday Cooking with Organic Produce by Cathy Thomas, which is actually more for the CSA stuff but, its just really well organized with great recipes. I did a fair amount of research before purchasing them, and then spent a lot of time in the bookstore looking through them. I already have several herb books, but none specifically on cooking, with recipes. Also, I don't cook a lot of meat so I hate to buy cookbooks where meat is always the main dish. So, recommendations all over the place!
This weekend is another Puppet Uprising show! Right by my house, at 2313 Emerald St. from 8:00-10:00 pm. See you then!
Design*Sponge just posted this wonderful new product called Woolley Pockets! I was sort of doubtful at first, and you definitely need lots of light, but, seriously these are awesome. Especially the Wallys.
I need an electric shock collar so I won't buy anymore plant items. I planted some pumpkin seeds from a kit mom bought me last year, and only realized in September that it said to plant them in June. So, now I have fucking PUMPKINS growing in my apartment. Ugh. HAHAHA... totally loosing it.
And Avocado has leaves!
The roof garden at Leslie's is epic, and we had our first big summer evening rainstorm last night. I had just gotten to the studio and soon everything was glowing and green.
' An update on my herbs! They look great! I finally cooked with some of them last night: mashed potatoes with cilantro and scallions, and mushrooms with onions and a whole mix of herbs! Just threw em in the pot! It was a bit overwhelming, but I'll get the hang of it. Oh and also, I've decided to add sage to the list. So soon it'll be 18 herbs! Good number, and the rightmost smartpot is a little empty looking anyway.
So I have officially moved down to 3 days a week at the Mutter, the Census is all but over, I have a lot of ghost tours, including one tonight just for Elizabeth, her mom, and Celia- free of charge of course!
I have been in the studio a lot, soon to bake some faces and generally getting things going. I've also been reading a lot. I finished Helen Fisher's Why We Love, and if you'd like a briefing on the subject, you can watch the following video:
I am reading Murakami's Norwegian Wood, but mostly while at work. And at home I am reading Diarmaid Macculloh's Christianity. Both incredible books, but for different reasons, obviously.
I found this pudgy little cappytiller on the herbs I didn't plant in the garden. I potted them in a pot and then gave them to Amelia when she was here last week. But by then he had disappeared.
This guy got repotted today! Look at this lovely avocado! It has lots of attempted stems, so I'm not sure if I did something wrong... several times... or if he just likes to try things to see what the difference is. But this one seems to be the guy, he's got little leaves on the top ready to spread their wings.
It finally cooled off today, but Hans is getting shaved soon!
And all this warm weather and good literature and herbs just make me itch for a good Kerouacian adventure... even just a few days of craziness... I'm looking forward to my trip to Boston and Providence in the fall. But that's so far away. Itching for the future is the opposite of enjoying today!
Sandy Boyer just told me about TasteSpotting, and brilliant website which enables you to search the best of the food blogs!
In other news, I went to Puppet Uprising on Friday with Amelia, Erika D, and Becky. It was awesome! The next event is June 26 right by my house, so feel free to join me!
Graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art, resident of Philadelphia. Hoping that juggling as much as I can can sustain and motivate me throughout the years to come.