Alright folks, I'm trying Brooklyn one more time. I've got a few days of working by day and partying by night, and then I hit the open road (via Megabus of course).
I can't believe how busy I've been this summer, with good people, good food, and being productive in the most important areas of my life. I even gave my kitchen a bit of a makeover!
Look at all that CSA food! Last night was one of those meals that the rest of my meals should strive to live up to: corn on the cob with butter; baby potatoes with trader joes olive oil and rosemary from my garden; sauteed eggplant with tj's olive oil, on toasted tj's bread with pesto that I also made for dinner, the basil from the garden, arugula from the CSA, pine nuts from the depths of my cabinets, and cheese from tjs. (everything not specified, is from the CSA). Good gosh it was a delicious meal! And I have tons of pesto leftover!
I'm finally doing laundry at Andrew's today, and will make him some sort of lunch-dinner combination while I'm there in return.
I also bought a bike helmet yesterday. Total impulse buy, but I had stopped in the Bike Stable to scope them out, and I always forget that studio-mate Derrick works there, and was so helpful! And now I just have to fix the bike and grow a pair, and I have lots of people who have promised to bike around with me, and I'm really hoping to get comfortable enough for a bike ride to Manayunk with good people in the fall. (What more could anyone want?)
I've been reading some awesome books, and also have finally gotten some Artnews magazines in the mail. Its so important to stay in the loop!
(Why, hello August! You seem much nicer than July already! July was really quite a bitch.)
Its really quite impossible to post, when you're so busy (too busy to take photos), and even more impossible when you're sad and busy with sick grandfathers, and funerals. I know my audience here is limited to a select few, but for those of you who knew my grandfather (even for a moment), you knew how special he was to me. There were hundreds of people at the funeral/shiva, and that, I'm sure, is not even a fraction of the lives he has touched during his lifetime.
Shayna's visit was also overwhelming too, but it (above other things) reaffirmed how much I really need to live alone. And of course it was nice to see her again.
I've been in the studio a lot lately, but not for very long periods of time (those mosquitoes are either actually demons, or I am way too fucking delicate). I made a list of all the things I'm working on, and I'd really like to get most of them finished by the time I go to Boston&Providence in October. And definitely by the time I go to Ohio with Celia for Thanksgiving.
I've recently been sucked into the tornado that is Puppetyranny. I've mentioned them before, but I was asked to help with a performance at Vox Populi this past Friday. It turned out to be one of the pieces that I had seen at the Cabaret Naivete a few weeks ago, but it was great to be involved.
I'm on the left. Its actually pretty unfortunate that this is the one that got filmed: we did maybe 7 performances that evening, and most of them were very smooth, but this particular one, we got a new helper, unrolling the scroll. A little awkward at times, but you get the picture.
Also, check out the mouth puppets video!
Puppetyranny is putting on their Prequel to Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens this weekend, and I've been told that I'll be selling admission. I already helped make the duck. Come show your support! Its looking really good.
And most recently, Nadav and Sam have asked me to design their ketubah, so I've started some sketches. Hopefully that'll be smooth sailing, and will bring in a pretty penny too!
And finally, I've just spent the last 2 hours posting a note on facebook, begging for dark hair donations, so I can FINALLY get a move on with the hair art, to sell at the mutter. SO, if any of you have dark hair, and are getting it cut, please send it my way. Much obliged.
Graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art, resident of Philadelphia. Hoping that juggling as much as I can can sustain and motivate me throughout the years to come.