I had the wintertime blues pretty bad there for a while, folks. All the good people left for Christmas, and most of them stayed away until after New Years. It was cold, and I was lonely. I baked a lot of pies, and I didn't do anything that was actually productive. Although, some time away from things is productive in its own way.
And then one day things started getting better!
Kayla and her British cousins came to visit, and I showed them around Philly. We went to see the Liberty Bell,

Independence Hall,

Eastern State (oh how good it was to be back there!) and of course, the goddamn Rocky Steps (did you know they have like, art in there? like, paintings and sculptures and shit. crazy!)
And Tim came to visit for a few days as well!
The following week Noah came to see me, which was wonderful because I didn't get to see very much of him when I visited Providence, because he's a genius with a full course load.
My birthday was a days-long event, beginning with Noah's visit: lunch with Noah and Andrew at a delicious Indonesian restaurant in South Philly, followed by a few hours with Noah at the Random Tea Room. His friend Lizzy (who will be moving to West Philly soon!) came to join us for a bit, before stealing him away, and there were lots of other good folks at the Tea Room as well.
My birthday "party" was a night of drinking at
Johnny Brenda's bar, and then a few of us went to karaoke night a block away, which is hosted by my friend Caren from Eastern State!
Friday night, my friend Lauren and her dad and brother were in town, so they took me to
Honey's Sit N Eat for my birthday (SO delicious!). They are so sweet! Turns out, Lauren's going to Peru for a year, to work at a hostel and live a little. Flights are cheap, so place your bets now, folks. I'm betting I'll be there by this time next year.
Later that evening, Kung Fu Necktie provided some awesome entertainment, several of the kids I know from these here parts, and their bands. Rosie brought her accordion to the El bar next, and we sang ourselves silly, much to the entertainment and annoyance of the other patrons. All in all, a lovely evening.
Saturday Rosie, Leslie and I went to the Rocket Cat for lunch, where we saw half the city, and then regrouped for a walk to the ATV tracks. We even found Christiane on our way there and easily convinced her to join us! Here, I finally took a few photos.

So Rosie, John, Honey Pie, Rebekah, and Christiane and I had ourselves a lovely walk in the cold.
Saturday night was Eli's party, which was full of fun, shenanigans, and lovely people.
Then I returned home to Hansie.

Last night Jack and I went to Memphis Taproom for dinner, and Andrew joined us back at my apartment afterward. Hansie nuzzled Andrew's shoes for old time's sake, while us adults watched scary videos and hysterically subtitled anime.
That's it for now, folks!