These cold winter months have been filled with much more social activity, and much less art than I had original planned for. I am really only able to see how busy I am by how long I have had a netflix dvd for, and have been unable to watch it. (I had Fantastic Planet for over three weeks! But it was a really good film!)
Last Friday the weather was so nice that Eli and Dave and I went to Penn Treaty Park to have a picnic. I brought the blanket, we had bread and cheese and grapes, Eli made a seitan scramble, Dave brought hummus and etc. What a lovely Spring day. Of course it was just a tease: we knew it would get cold again, and in fact it snowed a few days ago. But soon it will be warm for real, and everything will be glorious.
My French class has been going really well: I just took my second quiz last night and I think I'm seriously caught up. As in, I might even get a really good grade on it. Still a few grammatical things I'm confused about, but I'm getting there!
Last week Kate came to visit from Chicago for a few days. Here is the one photo I took of her, and bonus! Andrew too!

We love when Kate comes to visit, and she'll even be back in a few weeks for a grad school interview in Delaware!

Today has been a lazy day. Thought I'd spin a little yarn, watch a little tv, but instead have been reading, making appointments with accountants (wow, am I a grown-up now?), and even baking scones and challah! Noah's mom has a recipe that she uses every week, to mix in the bread maker and then braid and bake. I came upon it again today and said "well, why the hell not?"
