My roof garden is doing quite nicely! The chard and kale need to be harvested though, dinner tomorrow?

Jackie came to hang out at the warehouse last week. So Happy!

First Friday last week Rosie and Mark played at The Garden Center, and it was lovely!

Elizabeth; Celia, Toby.

Then off to Little Berlin for Epic Pain, the High School Art Show.

There were lots of great pieces, but John Sinclair's was the best. Not just because I was so looking forward to it either!

He set up his bedroom from High School and invited girls to come hang out, where he seduced them by playing the guitar, making poptarts, and watching Say Anything.

The goal was to get girls to make out with him, but I was the only one to take him up on it! Well, me and Mark...

Yesterday I took Zac's friend (my friend now too!) Shion around Philadelphia. After the ICA we went to see my friend Sandy Boyer's show. I was really quite impressed!
Tonight I am going to see
Puppet Uprising's 5 Act Shakespeare play: Antony&Cleopatra!