Sunday, July 5, 2009

Appreciation of Previously Declared Independences via Explosives and Alcohol

Philadelphia likes to really give it all she's got, starting with 10 days of fireworks leading up to the 4th of July.
I watched them from my window.
Red, White, Blue, and sleepy.
Oh, I started a new painting. Oh wait, that goes in the art blog.
As close as he can get to my painting.
The plants are doing well.
I think I have too many plants.
The Tomato Cage, courtesy of *good* downstairs neighbor, Jovanna, who had no use for it.
One can never have enough plants.

In other news, my fourth of July was spent being social. My neighbors had a barbecue, which I attended, and met several of their friends. One of whom stands out specifically for asking me if I have made any art since graduating. I replied that, yes, in fact just that very day I worked on three different pieces. He expressed admiration, and admitted that it had been 8 months since he had created art, despite that he has a collaborative show in NYC this week.

I have also started writing poetry again, one which has finally put into words my fear of becoming art-paralytic. This boy proved my fear to be quite real.

After this barbecue, went to Eastern State for their party, where fireworks were watched from the watchtower. To get there, I took the L to Spring Garden Street, and boarded a bus. I had gotten really great directions from Toby, so that I didn't have to drive in 4th of July traffic, or drunkenness. However, the traffic and the fireworks were cause enough for detours from the main bus routes, and I got a little lost getting there. And, on the way back, I never found it, and walked back to my apartment: four miles, not in walking shoes. Mission Accomplished.
And with that, I redeclare my own independence, which although difficult at times, always proves most worthwhile.

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