Friday was notable because I gave my first tour! For some reason Thursday I had thought to make note cards, just to have on hand. I looked over things for an hour or so while doing this. So first thing Friday, Fran asks if I am ready to give my first tour, and I was able to say, without hesitation, "yes!". It went well, but not perfect. This is to be expected. I think it was a perfect first tour.

Friday I finally made eggplant parm for Celia and me. Her mom is allergic to eggplant, and so she has never known the wonders.

I also made a lovely impromptu salad, which was also worth photographing.

Saturday after the bakery I bolted to the Penitentiary where Celia had met up with my grandparents, and were all waiting just inside, ready to go. I gave them a full tour, and they were very impressed. They wanted to see the synagogue, and since it was a weekend, it was open. And of all the ESP staff, who was stationed at synagogue at the end of the day, but Toby. I hadn't seen him at all when we were walking around so by that point I had sort of expected it. I quietly asked Toby to "tell my grandparents about the synagogue" and of course this meant "give a full on performance" but it was very nice of him to do so. They were just about to close, so a bunch of other people were in the room, and it was really quite terrible timing, since everyone paused their headphones to listen. Oy. But it was really nice. They took us to London Grill afterward, and aside from the calamari being much too rubbery, everything there was nice too.

My grandmother gave me some of her VIOLETS (I swear she said they were azaleas, but she corrected me immediately upon reading this post this morning!) and her parsley to take care of while they are in Florida.

Hans likes the parsley, and apparently its good for him too!

Sunday Spinks and Dale came down because I have a bunch of tickets to
Terror Behind the Walls and I really just don't want them to go to waste, and I don't want to go more than once. It was a little chaotic, but everything worked out, and they hung out here for a bit afterward. I had made a pear cake while they were out, using the food processor that mom had lent me months ago, and I was fairly certain either didn't work, or had some magical trick: it was the latter. Yum pear cake!
Last night was Basho again, which I am really enjoying. It helps that there is a DD drive through on my way there, where I can grab some food and more importantly, a healthy double dose of coffee.
Today I am finally going to see Alex Kanevsky, and his work. I am also going to get my film processed so that I can use it in a few months when this temp Basho gig is over. I was a little nervous about it, but not so much anymore. Anne and I are both big List people, so she can very easily show me how she gets everything done, with very little getting lost in translation.
Brittani called me this morning, so we are finally going to hang out for a bit today. And Celia found that Abbaye is having a prix fixe all week, so that will have to happen too. They are so new that they don't even have a website yet (what?).
Tim has managed to vanish for the past few days, I wonder when he will show up at my front door. I hope its Saturday, since I don't have the bakery this week!
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