In other news, I have been applying for jobs like wildfire! Well, more like 2 or 3 per day, which really isn't bad at all. Although, there is a limit to what one can find on Craigslist, Monster, Careerbuilder, and Monster via But at this point I have a few few-days long trips lasting until January, so I'm still enjoying it, much to my future dismay!
So after I applied to Third Federal Bank, which is a few blocks from me, I realized there were a lot of cats hanging out in one spot. At first I thought it was only two, but no:
And then I went to Circle Thrift and ran into some girls I knew at MICA! Sam is living in Philadelphia, and Susannah was visiting her, but her place isn't exactly around the corner, so it was extra cool. How delightful!
And I'm not going to tell the tale of how someone smashed my tiny car window for fun, and how insurance doesn't cover it but they referred me to a place that was charging $178, but luckily, the auto place next door said they would do it for $140, tomorrow morning. So, tell me, did I actually just save $40? Sure!
Well fellow bloggers, its almost xmas, and I still have some shoppin' to do!