Well guys, this is it! My 100th blog post (not counting the 52 and counting on
my art blog!) So let's reflect, shall we? I've lived here for one year and one month. We've had some laughs and choked back some tears, but mostly there's been plants, and Hans... and some fantastic food!

I walk past this building all the time on my way to Basho and whatnot, and I just love it, mostly that some of the boarded up windows are painted as the sky.

On my way home from Basho today, stopped to smell the flowers, they smelled so good! Was photographing them when this little old lady with a Russian or Polish accent yelling from her top floor window told me that they are Passionflowers, and then proceeded to tell me that we're all going to die because there are no bees left, anywhere in the world, and its just a matter of time until we die. (Expressing that I totally agreed with her would have done no good, and I was trapped for a good 5 minutes!)

Walking to get the CSA, this is the intersection by my house. I've been really fond of the 5-7 oclock light lately.

And I finally photographed Greensgrow's CSA!

These are their chickens! Hi chickens!

Waiting patiently in line, I'm standing in the threshold, also where the fridge for the cheese and "proteins" are kept, I took the Muenster this week, and some eggs for myself!

So the left side is the CSA, the right is the farmstand. So, for those of you still confused about how CSAs work, we pay for our shares
ahead of time which ensures the farmers and whatnot that their produce will be sold, which means that they can go ahead and grow all this organic deliciousness. The farmstand is there for whoever is not part of the CSA but still wants awesome goodies, and also they have things that the CSA doesn't, maybe things that aren't quite as in-season, so someone with a CSA share can still buy stuff from the farmstand side, obviously!

And they very clearly label what everything is, and how much of it you should take!
Oh, you can see the apricots in the first one, but because of all the weighing, the line was long this week, and I was able to take these photos without being horribly in the way!

The basket to the left is the trade-in basket, so if there's something you simply don't need or want, you take it, and then put in the basket, and hope that there's something in there that you want instead! Today no one wanted the mint, I bet because a lot of people grow mint on their own, or most people don't know what to do with it (quite a difference, I wonder which one is true) And although I do grow my own mint, I grow spearmint, and this is peppermint, but there will be much more of this I'm sure. I gave it to Erika and Jeremy, this week, they also grow spearmint!
And oh my god, Erika asked that I pick up some meat from their freezer (this year they're not including meat in the CSA but its available for purchase in the retail fridge/freezer section), and so we picked lamb cubes, and then Erika and Jeremy made a fantastic dinner (as usual) of lamb kabobs with peppers and hummus made while everything else cooked. I love CSA day!
Congratulations on blog #100. I love CSA day too... and the building with sky windows. A few weeks back a strip of the sky painting was sitting on the sidewalk and it made me sad because the sky was falling. Mint tea anyone?