The city of a gazillion bridges. Apparently just one more than Venice, according to Celia and my gracious host Adam. Adam and Ian were wonderful to let us stay with them while Celia had to come to Pittsburgh for the once-a-semester in-person session of her online class, and I decided to take advantage!

I saw some Museums the first day, namely the
Nationality Rooms, and the Carnegie Museum of Art, and the Warhol. (For those of you who don't care to see a thousand artworks, I've moved that sort of photo to a new Tumblr I started for
Other Peoples' Art that I like- if you DO care, then click there!)
The Mattress Factory was worth the whole trip!

There was indeed a Cell Phone Disco, but the discovery was better than the photo of it, so go find it yourself!

Shepard Fairey

The Conflict Kitchen! ("Conflict Kitchen is a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries that the United States is in conflict with.")
Overlooking the city.

The last morning Adam took Celia and me to the Incline

We learned a few things that weekend, to be sure!
The Mattress Factory! Yeah!!!!!!! 7th Street Bridge! Cathedral of Learning! Nice. :-)