So I did neglect to post that my adventure to get my car lawfully inspected proved to be a mishap. GoogleMaps swore that I was to maintain vigilance for this inspection station (the closest I could find online) on 70W, when in fact it was 70E. So I spent about 3 hours last week driving in circles on about 10 miles of 70W. So today, I went back, with advice from whoever I spoke with on the phone, and took 70E. However, when I got there, not only did I discover that I did not have my insurance card with me (apparently a new one has gotten misplaced somewhere), and moreover, they were seriously about to charge me $87 to inspect my vehicle. Well, Eff that. Apparently I am making yet another lovely trip to the Toms River area to get my car inspected for free. So, third try, and probably close to 10 hours effort total should do it for my car.
In the mean time. Today, I was frustrated. I try to not get so frustrated anymore. Shitty things happen, and you can either let them get you down, or you can chin up. So I turned on the radio, drove back to Philadelphia, and where I should have made a left to go to my apartment, I made a right into the shopping plaza, and got a haircut.

It is true. I have bangs. God how I hated them in middle school. But I am not in middle school anymore, and these are *side* bangs. This makes all the difference, you know. So, there you have it.
Then I drove to a place called The Woodshop. I called them last night looking for masonite or MDF, cut into specific small sizes. They are actually a cabinet etc making company, but Frank was so kind and helpful! He cut MDF into all the sizes I wanted, and then gave them to me for free, claiming them to have been just scraps anyway. I asked if I could look to them in the future as I have no saws (or health insurance, if I were to cut off a finger or an arm...) and of course he said sure.

And then I got home to a brand new kitchen window!

Marty installed it all day while I was out. He has to come back and cut back the foam, but how lovely!
Now I should run to Barnes and Noble and apply for a job! But look at this photo of Hans when I got back from Baltimore. Love!
awwwww look at your little bagelhead! and HANS!