Since last posting, a few weeks have gone by. I have been distracted by the weather getting much colder than expected. I am not looking forward to a cold winter, but I guess it'll be over soon enough. I had dinner with Ian and Noel last night, they told me that Roger actually controls my heat and he likes it warm: he is on the first floor, and I am on the third, so maybe I shouldn't be as concerned about it. So thats mildly comforting, but I have gotten ahead of myself.
Looking at my schedule, it seems as though I have done quite a bit in the last few weeks. I went to the Brandywine Museum in Delaware with Jeff from MICA. That was a nice day. Of course I got lost on the way back and missed a meeting I was supposed to be at for work, but it really didn't matter. And later that night I had my interview with Project Basho which went well. One of these days I'll go in for a formal introduction to everything, and will Monitor sometime after that, the Monday shifts, 5:30-10:30. I am learning patience. I am so much more patient than I was, even a few months ago at school. But the stress of college was slightly too much for me to be patient about. I still don't know how some people remained calm there.
I still haven't given a tour at Eastern, despite that a month ago Fran took me around and basically quizzed me on tour knowledge, and told me I would shadow a tour and give one the following week. Patience. Patience, fucking patience. I mentioned it casually to another manager yesterday, and she said she would talk to Fran about it. Also, I thought I would only be there until November first, but its the 30th. So it's actually worthwhile for me to give the tours at this point, still. Patience.
First Friday this month I actually went to an opening. It was Noel's. He sold some paintings, and just in time, since he is just waiting for his visa to go to grad school in England, any day now.
Celia is so smart, she found out that P.Y.T. Burger was running a special. Apparently, they got a mediocre review in the City Paper, and advertised that if you were to bring in the article, you would get a free burger, sort of an attempt to bring their rates back up. So Celia and I did this, and did in fact eat delicious free burgers. Of course, we paid in full the milkshakes that they are also well known for, mine being delicious, and alcoholic. Who woulda thought? Then Celia and I practically ran to the theatre to see 500 Days of Summer, which was okay, and Zooey Deschanel is all sorts of fantastic, but personally, I think that she flaked out in the end. Stay Strong, Summer! But, nope.
Speaking of movies, I just have to put in a line about this movie I saw a few weeks ago: Conversations with Other Women. Helena Bonham Carter is pretty much the only reason I watched it, but it proved to be sort of amazing. Very simple, only a handful of secondary characters, it was really just one continuous conversation, and the camera is split screen: one on each character.
I went back to Jackson for a few days last week, had some errands to run. Of course a main one was going to Sonic, and I didn't manage to fit that in. Next time, Sonic. I returned to Philly to discover that Hans has fleas. He had gotten into a bag of dirt a few weeks back, and I knew nothing of "flea dirt" so I kept assuming, like, whatever, just dirt. So the vet sold me some Frontline, and I have to reapply it every month for 3 months, but I don't think theyre all gone, and I have some itchy bumps. Honestly thought, its better than the mosquitoes. Glad theyre gone.
Last night Celia came over and we walked to the Pizza Hut to satiate my craving for stuffed crust pizza. It was mediocre of course! It wasn't even a dine-in restaurant, just a pick up joint. So we had a picnic in the parking lot and then walked back for some True Blood, which she now knows to keep on her thumb drive. I am going to her place tonight to make pesto, as her new roommate has a food processor, and I have too much basil. Of course this entails sharing with many more people than just me. Haha, Patience, and Sharing. Eventually, I'll get it all. I've been reading Justine by DeSade, which I had tried to read a few years ago. Its actually really good, and horribly filthy. It is sort of amazing to read something that has been so controversial for so long, and the dialogue in the book is probably just as controversial as the filthy sex, and we still have the some issues with blasphemy as they did then, only within smaller groups. Its amazing how so little has changed.
I also read Demian by Hesse last week. Hesse and Kerouac are officially the best. I grabbed a few Kerouacs from mom's house that I stashed away and never read, so that's next.
I am going to Baltimore this weekend. I need some time away from Not Giving Tours and Farmers Markets Alone (lately). Celia was supposed to take Hans, but Margot is still there with the cats, and I don't want them getting fleas. Maybe I'll just ask Ian to keep an eye on Hans, they love him too. Oy vey.
I think I haven't been posting as much because I haven't been taking pictures of stuff as often. Maybe nip this thing in the bud.
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