Double Rainbow!

Kayla and Kevin came to visit for the Flaming Lips concert that I had been thinking about going to, but I opted not to since tickets were damn close to $100. They spent the weekend and the concert got rained out after 7 songs, but I liked seeing them, and Hans missed Kayla I am sure.

He has been so cute lately, I think perhaps because its not as hot anymore. He's been cuddling (at least part of the night) and has just been super affectionate and adorable.

He instigates Hide-and-Seek.

And he also drinks from the toilet but I haven't got a good photo of that one yet.

My plants are doing okay. However, there is this tomato blight happening, and it got to my guys, even the indoor guys.

The tiny dark spots are bugs and the white stuff is the absence of life in the leaf because the bugs are vampires.

And as if that weren't enough, the squirrel took (and wasted the better part) a tomato! Just left it right there on the roof.

The cucumber is still lookin good though.
I have a big bag of kale and some beets from the farmers market that I suppose I should do something with.
I have been eating this mexican-vegan casserole Amelia made me and I think it is past its prime, but its not half bad, and I hate wasting things, so ...I eat it.
I have off today and tomorrow, but have a meeting at work tomorrow evening just before I head off to my interview with Project Basho! Its about time, but I am so excited and gosh golly I will be making art again!
haha bagel, you and your eating things that have been there for too long! honestly it's probably still good...like, food-wise...it has only been one week, right? haha. hans!