Thursday, May 12, 2011

Catching Up, Reaching Back

Springtime at the Mutter Museum Medicinal Herb Garden (where I take my lunch any day its warm and dry enough!)

April Showers were good for something at least...

Morning walk to work.

The Trenton Ave Abomination
Roof Garden: chard, kale, lettuce, arugula

Pretty red flowers, since then have been eaten by the Dreaded Black Aphid!

Helped Erika plant some things; this lovely young man is Mr. Fox!

The Garden behind Erika&Jeremy's garden.
Mr Fox; Monty!

Okay, enough photos of other people's animals.

Then Jeremy built me some steps for my roof garden smart pots!

Tartes that I made to thank my French Professor!

Amelia came to visit to see DIME by NoFace (which was of course excellent!) We did lots of things the following day, including the Rocket Cat with the lovely John Sinclair.

Of course I've probably done a great deal more in the last two months than what is represented here in words and pictures, but this will have to do for now. Heading to D.C. in a minute and Baltimore later tonight.

I hereby resolve to make a better attempt at upkeeping the NanaBlog!

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