Friday, May 21, 2010

We Love You So Kayla and Ellen!

Soon, hopefully tonight, I'll post some photos of Aisha's brief but extremely appreciated visit, but I couldn't wait to post these awesome congratulations!

One) Congrats Kayla, official graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in evolutionary anthropology! Not only that, but she is leaving tomorrow for a three-week trip through Albania, Greece, and Romania! Best yet, she just got a hot promotion at the Liberty Science Center, so she'll now be workshopping experiments with children!! I am so jealous (well, about everything but the children...) and so proud!

Two) Ellen Kling was featured on We Love You So, a blog with which I am sorry to say, I was not aware. But any friend of Ellen is a friend of mine!

How can one person have so many awesome friends?