Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Escarole, Worms, and The Horse's Mouth

Wanted to get so much done today, but instead only ended up getting a little bit of work done in the studio on my hair art (soon to be finished and posted!, round one of them anyway)

But then I came home and made some escarole to go with some of Nannie's chicken I found buried in the freezer, and some leftover sweet potatoes. If I'm still hungry, I can eat some bread with the pesto I made today out of CSA spinach and some basil from the garden and other delicious pesto-making ingredients.

And the crumbs can go to the worms!
I got the worms in, and they are currently residing in my kitchen. I just get so worried about them! Soon I'll move some into the big bin outside, but to be honest, I plan on keeping enough of them in my own bin, just in case the outside bin fails again. This is my last effort on the communal worm bin, after that: they're all mine!

Now for dinner and The Horse's Mouth, a really funny movie that one of the docents at the Mutter Museum recommended to me. Every week he asks if I've seen it yet, and to be honest, I just can't take another week of saying no! (twenty minutes into it, and it's good already!)

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