Sunday, April 11, 2010

Of New Sales and Leases

In the past week I have fallen in lust with one studio, in love with another, sold a painting, and hosted some Canadian friends of a friend of mine.

Leslie, the same girl from this blog, posted in one of my previous posts, as well as a member of Puppetyranny, a group part of Puppet Uprisings, also previously posted: Leslie, a girl I went to MICA with, and also a girl renting out studio spaces in her warehouse apartment at the Berks Warehouse. AKA, the home of my new studio. I move in on the first of May. The studio is smaller than the first one I had looked at, and doesn't have any direct windows. Its slightly further away. But, there is a kitchen, living room, roof gardens with herbs and veggies and exotic plants. Most importantly, there are just tons of awesome people. I suppose it came down to the fact that I am certain to meet more people at the Berks Warehouse than at the Viking Mill, which as far as I could tell, is mostly comprised of artist professionals, who maybe intimidate me a little.

And that's the story of my studio.

Everything else is history.

Except for this blog (recently published into a book) which I think is the most fantastic thing ever.

And, thanks to whoever out there is searching for me on Google! I believe that I am the second non-sponsored "Jen Brown" on Google, and rising! Search my name and see for yourself!

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